Blast it - oh how I hate multiple supermarkets.
I work in the West End of London where the retailers inflate everything, using the justification of "oh, this is the West End" as it all. Understandable if it a local corner shop doing that, yes, they don't have the backing and wotnot these large national supermarkets do. But, what is sticking in my craw is how our one national supermarket which has a branch on Regent Street dare sell things inflated by 10 - 20%!
Unconsciously, I tend to buy the same thing each day for my lunch - a packet of rocket salad, proscuito ham and some feta cheese and a bottle of sparkling water for the day. The rocket salad has not only disappeared to be remarketed and branded as something else, where it was 99p before it is no 1.97 (damn pound sign isn't working, soz). The proscuito ham has altogether disappeared and they have brought in a pack of six slivers of the proscuito at....2.75!!! as opposed to the small pack I used to buy for 1.03! So, I thought, fair 'nough, I'll get some other meat - I started buying the pastrami ham instead which started out at 88p but has overnight gone up to 1.03! It is the world's biggest farce. Yet, if I go to my local store (same brand store) the pastrami is still sold there for 88p, my water which in the WE costs me 54p costs me 47p locally AND they are selling 3 bottles for 1.54. I ask you, HOW do they get away with it? And they can't use the excuse that they have to increase the prices in order to cover the rent - does that mean that if I go to some hick town (even hickier than my own) where the store rentals are MUCH lower (did I mention I work for a retail agency?) their prices would also be much lower? Of course not - personally, I think they are being opportunistic capitalists who need to be shown the error of their ways.
Which is why I am going to sit and compose a very lengthy letter to them to try and find out their reasoning behind these discrepancies.
Phagh. Am making a point now of instead of buying stuff from them to take in my own sarnies and home made salad brought in from our local grocer. Am hugely disillusioned as I always thought their deals were good. But now I see differently.
Time to copy over more music to my MP3.
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