Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Holiday...its holiday...!

Whoo hoo!!

Migraine hasn't come back to wipe me out in over a week, the bbq I held for my work colleagues this Saturday past was a success, and guess what? All of this week, blissful holiday. Nothing fancy, not even going anywhere, but staying at home, where it is safe and quiet and peaceful. Have been, thus far, reading, sleeping, musing about storylines...taking Sparrow for runs in the park. It is bliss.

I got a beautiful arrangement of excuisite flowers from the girls at work yesterday, to say thanks for the lovely day on Saturday (thank the gods it decided not to rain, although it could have been a teeeeeeny tiny bit warmer). They are downstairs in the diningroom and I am staying far away from them...they are making me sneeze nonstop! Can't win, ever.

Am very much looking forward to this coming weekend - it is the Frightfest here in London and we are lined up to go and watch bunches of movies not yet released anywhere in the world. Well, Friday will be taken up with watching the Romero trilogy of the Dead. Saturday we are watching some werewolf movies and other chop-saki messed up Oriental movies and then on Sunday, the one I am aching to see is Night Watch by the Russian chap...man, oh, man - fun, fun, fun.

Beaming happily.

Oh, look at that - time for a nap.


Cheezy said...

Oh wow, I envy you seeing the Romero trilogy again! Especially 'Dawn'... Don't forget to cheer loudly when that zombie gets the top of his head cleaved off by the helicopter blade... :-p

Liz said...

Hi you

so why don't you come join us? Pull a sickie tomorow? Travel into town, come to Leicester Square? We tried getting tickets for Land of the Dead but they sold out on the very first day of opening on the 1st July - sob!

Join us...join us...