Tuesday, January 16, 2007

My big fat Greek Holiday

Yes, our very first overseas holiday as Britishers has been booked, paid for and wince, wince, now we have to save up some dosh to go and enjoy ourselves.
Why Greece, you ask!? Well, its easy - we've been invited to a wedding and we thought we could use it as an excuse to be wild and reckless. So we are taking just over 2 weeks to travel around Athens, the Pelopenesse and the Ionian islands, with the wedding in the middle somewhere.
I suspect we will love it as much as Egypt and not want to come back. Our island we will be staying at is called Zante/Zakynthos - and our apartment will be on the non-touristy side of the island too as we don't like smelly tourists, at all. Grin.
So. I am panicking a bit tho - if the bonus at work doesn't come through, I'll need to sell a limb. So, keep an eye out for those dodgy people on ebay selling organs and limbs. I need to know how they do it.


Mark said...

I hear kidneys are big this year..

Anonymous said...

I know jealousy makes me nasty,
so i'd rather say nothing... ;-)

Cheezy said...

Phwoarrh, I like the colour of that water :)