Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Tai Chi Class

Tomorrow night is my first tai chi class in around 4 years. Crazy or what? No doubt I will suffer hugely after the fact. What, I hear you cry! That nambi pambi slow moving stuff, that's easy enough to do. I can do it with one hand tied behind my back, and still be energetic enough to go out drinking afterwards.

Excuse me as I climb back onto the couch which I fell off of. Laughing.

Tai Chi is one of the most brutal exercises you can do. It is v e r y slow, it works all the muscles and it helps your breathing and the forms are beautiful and graceful and it makes you - generally - feel quite good about yourself. I know friends who will read this will be wetting themselves laughing, remember other friends being completely over the top about Tai Chi - swooping crane subdues waterbufalo and all that malarky, but hey, if it works, it works and I challenge anyone to try it and not enjoy it.
I will report back, if I will be able to lift my arms.


Anonymous said...

I do agree that it is a good muscle control work out, but that didn't just stop me from having a good stomach muscle wrenching laugh...

That's my abb workout for today ;-D

Liz said...

Yow. I hurt. I have strong tough legs. And I'm screwed. I can't even walk up the stairs here at home. Snigger. And I've realised what an office worker I've become. Stiff, unresponsive - "Do what with my legs?" "Sorry, my hips do NOT tilt that way naturally."

So, a lot of practice is what's called for.

Swooping Waterbuffalo.