Thursday, September 06, 2007


FG and I are whiling away the last hour of our afternoon in Athens at our hotel - pic above - before taking the train to the airport.

We've come to fall in love with Athens, the tiny side streets, the people, the markets, bazaars and flea markets. But most of all, with the tavernas and coffee shops. You get served your drink and you can sit there, the entire afternoon, shooting the breeze, sipping your drink, ordering another one as the world whirrs past.

Let me assure you - it is NOT just the tourists doing this. It is probably more the locals than tourists taking the lazy way. Oh, and did I mention the tiny bakeries that seem to be everywhere serving baklava and tiny ice cream cones and mouthwatering fruit pastries and croissants. It is another world, yet very close to home.

Our entire holiday has been an experience, but more on that one later.

We should be home tomorrow, Friday, and after picking up the pup from the kennels, we will be able to download our 600 odd photos to make some sense out of them, before posting them on here and downloading them onto disk to print off.

Yai Su!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And a yahsoo, ti kannis? to you two, too! (Spelling = phonetic - I don't do Greek properly!).

Hope this finds you and Mr Sparrow joyfully reunited, and nobody too jetlaggy. We're away until Sunday, but will catch up next week via email or whatever.

Good to have ye back and unkippered, travellers!

WW xx