The spate of cruelty to animals recently highlighted in all the national and local newspapers has really struck as a clear indicator as to how low mankind has fallen.
How anyone can excuse themselves torturing an animal (burning it, setting it alight), putting it in a bag and smacking it with sticks till its dead, hanging it from a tree for fun, strangling it because it is a puppy and it was crying for its mother….is really beyond my own reasoning.
And the sentences being handed down are negligible. 21 days in jail and then being banned from keeping a pet for ten years. Ho-hum. If he can do it to an animal, he can do it to a human. I wonder if that would get him more than 21 days?
It is disgusting and vile. People committing these crimes, even if they are kids, should really be treated as badly as they treat these animals.
In matters like this I am almost tempted to support these radical animal activists.
I can’t put across how angry I am on behalf of these defenceless animals. All I have to do is look at my poor little dog, Sparrow and see his sheer joy when seeing is after we have been out and my heart just melts. Even after being shouted at for being naughty pup, he comes back, forgiving, wagging that little tail a mile a minute and is loving. How can you be so hard hearted to horrible things to a poor creature that loves you so unconditionally? Don’t get me wrong, he will be disciplined when naughty and he is better behaved than some animals I have seen, (even some people), but to really lose your head and beat him up to the extent where he has broken ribs puncturing a lung…or to the extent where his injuries are so bad that he has to be put down….bloody fuck.
I really do vote for animal abusers to get longer jail terms, no excuses, and maybe to be whipped a bit too with a cat o’nine tails, burnt with coals, cut with knives, just to show them how it feels. My motto has always been – if you can dish it out, you had better be prepared to take it. And please, no one ever tell me “oh, he was an abused child/had a difficult childhood,” – evil is evil. The punishment should fit the crime.
Hear hear I totally agree, if I ever saw anyone do something like that to an animal I would fecking kill them myself, they are disgusting, weak, piss poor specimens of human beings. They may say two wrongs don't make a right, but I believe an eye for an eye, so I'd fecking torture them so they know how it feels. Animals are far superior to humans anyway. I'd start a protest for it....but I'm not a hippy.
The queue to adminster the flogging starts behind me (I'll be the one repalcing the leather with barbed wire).
Take a number.
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