Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Treasures for me!

As a special treat to myself - as I have not bought esoteric books or tarot cards for almost six months - I get to splurge this month and buy a set of tarot cards.

I see you shaking your head. Yes, I know I have got around eighteen sets already but they are all so incredibly pretty. I think my most recent set is the Etruscan cards which I bought more than a year ago. I initially bought the set as I quite liked the idea of the stylised drawings of each card and was wondering about doing some pyrography - i.e. get a nice round of wood, or square even, like an unvarnished chopping or carving block, tracing an enlarged figure from one of the cards onto it and then burning it into the wood with my pyrography machine. I never got that far, but I might! The cards below are some of the pictures from the Etruscan deck.

I tend to check my favourite sellers website first and see if anything on there strikes my fancy. They not only stock tarot cards but playing cards too along with cards for magic. I have bought say maybe half of my decks off them and they are fantastic to transact with - you place your order, they send it to you and voila! within three days, at the most, you are the proud owner of a lovely new set of cards.

I can hear people wondering: why do you need so many different decks? Well, why do you need so many shoes and handbags or clothes? They each suit a different mood, don't they? The same with tarot cards. I know loads of people think they are bumph but at the same time, I bet you they are hugely superstitious about them too. They would rather eat cold soup than have their cards read. Why is that? Is it because it is forbidden to know your future according to the bible? Did you know that King James was so scared of people with supernatural powers, and so superstitious, he had the bible altered to suit his fears, thereby outlawing witchcraft- and soothsaying and fortunetelling? Yep, its a fact - and not even a Dan Brown made up fact. Look it up. I double dare you.

So anyway, I am really looking forward to agonising about and over my next purchase. Of course, I will have to find the perfect box or silk scarf to go with it. Oh, and these are the people who I buy from.

Good quality and fantastic turn-around time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can definitely see collecting the decks for the art. There is a great variety of beautiful artwork on tarot cards. I don't believe in prophecy, though, so the art would be it for me.