Thursday, October 05, 2006

Day off...

No Jeans for Genes day for me! I have got a day's holiday - a forced holiday because a) the gasman is coming around "sometime during the morning" and b) I get to go to the dentist in the pm. Yay me.

But, I am planning to use the time constructively to write. I finished in excess of two thousand plus words on Sunday, and I am keen on continuing. I have a clear idea of what I would like to happen - lets see if it does!

Other news is: I wore a scarf with my jacket today. I was icy cold when I took the Sparrowmaticus out to run in the park this morning and I couldn't bear the trip down to the station and not being warm...the train driver compensated though by having the heating came the scarf and jacket.

I also saw two Irish wolf hounds in the park this morning - they were gorgeous. Sparrow felt intimidated by their size and ran away from them. I didn't spot the kestrel I have been trying to take pictures of all week, having spotted him each morning - the day I take my camera sign of the bloody bird. Go figure.

On the way home Sparrow and I stumbled across a young boy dressed as a pirate - yep, dressed up as Cap'n Jack "Savvy" Sparrow, the young lad looked fab. He was all of seven or eight years old and looked fantastic. If I remember to download the pictures I will post it on here. Another reason to take your camera with you.

Got to work and realised that my boss has seriously no people skills at all. This put me in a foul temper and I refused to speak to anyone in my team till after lunch - also note that boss had gone out on a "mysterious" errand which helped loads. Just seeing him had me entertaining a large client folder in the face dropped from a great height. Try and explain that to the "death in service" insurance people. "Sorry, I was cleaning the file when it went off. Five times, crushing his skull." Yeah, I don't think anyone will believe me either.

On the other hand, the book swopping business seems to be up and running at work which is seriously good news - we have expanded to two boxes of books now - varied selection of chick lit, murder, mystery and thrillers to a few odd sci-fi books and a Umberto Ecco which I had read years ago in hard cover. Thrilling things! I love books. I am now known as Mrs. Waterstones - I vetoed the "Librarian" title as I didn't relish being linked with Terry Pratchett's Librarian from his disc world series...I know I am not hairy enough to be an urangatang.

All from me for now. Go day off!

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