Friday, June 01, 2007

Entertainment for the braindead

I can't help but wonder what the talentless idiotic oafs will be coming up with next. BB is crap, rubbish, awful shitty tv and personally I resent that we have to pay television licences to be saddled with television shows this ludicrous. The producers take a shedload of money and piss it into the wind. Why not plow it into the British television and film fund?

There are phenomenally talented artists and writers out there, who would live off bread and water to have the opportunity to have their brilliant scripts made into shows and movies.

Personally, I think people who create trash tv like BB are cowards. Every single one of them - they know what lures the audience. Braindead tv. Create something stimulating, another Spooks or Hustle series, even more Torchwood, for God's sake. Why dumb down tv? Is it indicative of the way the country's going? Stupid tv for stupid sheep people?

Look at the debacle the last time around with that mentally deficient Jade and her tirade at the Indian girl - can you get anyone more backwards? And believe me, ignorance is not an excuse, in any shape or form. Not when you are on tv and you know that whatever you do and however you will act, will have an effect, detrimental in Jade's case, on your career.

The creators of BB are whipping a dead horse. They can't come up with anything else. Oh, actually, they did. In Holland, they now have a show for people to compete with one another, I think three contestants, compete for the kidneys of a dying man. WTF is that?

I cannot fathom how tv station bosses can think that's a good idea. I am so glad my tv has an off button. I only wish to the heavens that the newspapers would not back the idiocy. Or that the people I work with, otherwise relatively normal and intelligent people, can stop pondering the intricacies of freakshow tv. I can't help, honestly, to feel pity for them.

Give tv back its coolness. Give us decent shows. Things that make sense. Not crap reality shows where you actually want people to kill themselves and others, just to make it stop. Forever.

Oh, shyte, did I just say this out loud?

1 comment:

Cheezy said...

Could not agree more. The dreadful irony is that the kind of people who want to go on Big Brother are among the least interesting of people to watch or listen to. I guess what I'm trying to say is that they tend to be as thick as shite.

I wish our licensing fee would go towards actually creating art, the way that it used to... Unfortunately this cheap, lazy crap rates incredibly highly - a fact so depressing that I hardly want to think about it.