Thursday, December 20, 2007

Time Lord

Well now - utterly blown away by coincidences.
I have got four watches. All of them Swatch. I've had them for years now. And they all died. Round about exactly the same time. Bearing in mind that they have been bought separately, over a few years' time.
I would like to think I am very brand loyal...but looking at some of the things Swatch has come up with lately, I am thinking that I will maybe veer towards a Fossil when the time comes for me to buy a new watch (around my b'day time in Feb) . I am not fussed about it at the moment. I've come to realise I don't really look at my watch that much. As long as my mobile is working and my computer / deskphone is on, at work, I'm sorted. I purely used to use it as a weapon. No kidding. Big, bulky, huge - it saved my arm many times as people tend to shove and push, not expecting to connect quite so metallic and hard to be worn on an arm. Grins evilly. Especially as I am that specific height where I am the perfect target for taller people who think they can happily muck you about as they run to and from work on pavements.
I like my big bulky watch and feel pangs of jealousy when I spot someone else with one even bigger than mine. It is almost not possible, but some serious divers' watches do give mine a run for its money.
However, as a research project, I've gone to have a look at the Fossil site and this one, I think shows promise. Also, the mere fact that you can build your own watch is pretty cool.

As I said - I am not fussed about a timepiece at the moment. I'll ring up Swatch to see how much a replacement battery costs for one of my favourites. It's lasted me seven years. I am gorram sure it has another seven or so in it. In the meantime, I can look at all the other shinies.
Remember. FRUGAL year. Frugal.

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