Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Hell Dimension Travails

i Posted by Hello

A colleague of mine is away on holiday in Spain. So her two teams decide that of course, since I sit opposite them, that I would do ALL her work as they are incapable of printing off their own letters, make copies of them and then deposit said letters into envelopes, into the out-tray to go out in this evening's post. Not to mention that they have no idea how to scan a document, pdf a document or add pages to a pdf document. Or how to download whatever pictures they had taken on their digital camera. Or how to operate the colour copier! In fact, they have no idea what their pass codes are for their team to use when making colour photocopies. I sit back in amazement at this and notice that they are fantastically fast on the Internet and sending one another porn via Outlook, buying things on eBay and checking out iTunes. And I decide that administrators and secretaries really do rule the world - in my company, at least. I felt vastly superior and case in point was one of my own directors (25 years of service, btw!) had a flying apoplectic fit 'cos he couldn't figure out WHY when he was saving a document and brought it up again, it didn't show up the changes. When I explained to him that I am not an IT Technician but that I would give it a try to figure out how his work keeps on "disappearing" he starts ranting at me, demanding to know how can't I not know what is going on with his computer. In the end, the twatt-head, it turns out that hey, presto! he kept on calling up the original file, instead of the saved one, on the temporary drive, which clearly sat there, on his desktop, with all the original amendments made. I really sometimes wish I had superpowers. Which I would of course use for evil...like smacking him upside the head at the speed of light and then sitting behind my desk so that he would never know it was me.I never said I was a nice person.

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