Monday, June 27, 2005

Monday Blues

Well, not really. Today was a good day.

(After I weighed myself and discovered that I have gained weight = poor me! = thoughts of going onto a strict starvation diet...but then I changed my, back onto strict diet regime to become svelte, instead!)

I got to work and one of my colleagues whose husband is in the music industry offloaded around ten free cd's on me from her hubby as she told him I was after music to meditate with. Bad sentence that, but bear with me. So he gave me loads of relaxation cd's, meditation cd's, chants and all that. In my innocence I thought "Wow, how sweet are they?" and said "Oh, I'll copy them over onto my Zen-pod and bring them back to you tomorrow." So Dianne reckons no, they are mine to keep. Or throw away if they are really pants. Wow. How nice was that!? I beamed and beamed. It was a promising start to the workday.

I refused to be phased by anything today but did throw my toys out the cot as one of the demons in my dimension decided to dictate two fee accounts ten minutes before end of day...without giving me job numbers! And today half past five was the last date for fees to be sent off to accounts. So, I had to do fancy footwork and beg the chap in Finance to accept the fees, issue me invoice numbers, without job numbers, which I would be able to give them tomorrow morning. Here's hoping the begging and pleading works.

Insane world. Bosses don't listen - I warned them all of last week not to hold out to the very last second before giving me invoicing to do. But do they listen? Nope. I am the mushroom in the corner they ignore, keep in the dark and feed shit.

Poor me!

But soon to be "poor skinny me"!

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