Friday, September 16, 2005

Proof positve....

Vampires are real...

Yes, on a slightly different tangent - if vampires did exist, in the classical sense surely

a) they would smell to high heaven as they are sorta dead
b) having sex with them would be the same as necrophilia
c) having sex would be physically impossible as there is no blood flow to - you know - engorge wossnames
d) they must have seriously bad breath

And I wonder what is going to happen now that New Orleans is destroyed (all those dead bodies to eat, yum Lestat!) - are all the vampire-wannabes going to find somewhere else to hang out now?

LA, perhaps? The land of the sun and Hollywood eyecandy.


Cheezy said...

Some novelists have some thinking to do, that's for sure. Although I reckon Poppy Z Brite could still write a pretty good story about aquatic vampires (gay ones, probably)... swimming around the Louisiana bayou and biting people's ankles if they dangle their feet off the rooftop into the water...

Liz said...

I know, how fabulous. In fact...wasn't that Jaws? Or Orca? Nope, Anaconda!

Cheezy said...

Anaconda was about gay aquatic vampires? Jeez, I thought I was pretty toasted while watching that!...