Friday, January 27, 2006

Fairest Cape of All

Thanks to a stupid Welsh tourist from the backwater of Swansea the most beautiful Cape is on fire.

This from the Cape Town Argus newspaper article

"Although no houses were burned, the fire claimed the life of a 65-year-old British visitor who was hiking on the mountain with her daughter. It is understood she died from smoke inhalation. Another British visitor, from Swansea in Wales, has been arrested for starting the fire."

How anyone in their right mind can do this, is really beyond me. How do you punish someone for causing this much damage? The rescuers found some burned out cars but it is unclear if they had been abandoned in time, on some of the roads. What isn't helping is the fact that there are some very strong strongs winds at present - the south easter is blowing - and the weather is very hot and the area is very dry. Some of the plantation has been burned down and loads of people have been rushed into hospital with breathing difficulties...

The pig who started this - Welsh, South African, Korean or whatever - should be set alight himself as punishment.



Mark said...

Grrr indeed. What a fucktard.

Probably a case of "no one will care, it's only Afirca" or similar bullshit.



Anonymous said...

Motion seconded, Motion passed...

All arsonists should get a tast of their own medicine. I got a first hand view of the distruction that idiot caused, where are the days of public floggings or crows nests to display what happenes to law breakers and general fucknuts.

Anonymous said...

What an absolute tosser. Best of all? He was smoking and tossed his cigarette out the car window.

And he's been released on bail of 275 quid.

They should drag him behind a bakkie over the burnt out ruins.