Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Skinny R Us

FG has decided – fully blown – to do sumat about our general weight gain.

He has bossed me around at the end of last year and the beginning of this and I agreed to join him on the new way.

I admit to becoming very lax in my own eating regime. This was due to becoming lazy and not preparing pre-packed lunches to take to work. Because of this I had become exceedingly bad and ended up buying: a bagel for lunch to be had with a cuppa soup – with a cheesy triangle smeared on the bagel. Cheap and very cheerful and NOT very healthy, at all. But, along with this there would have been at least one packet of crisps.

So, we are doing the South Beach Diet which we did last year and it worked wonderfully well but we were sensible and didn’t do extremes – working out lovely menus and exciting recipes.

FG writes in his new Fat Blog all about the diet, the proteins and the insulin and whatevers…. (stifles yawn)…and even though it is interesting, I am not going to be obsessed about it all.

I know some people who are utterly obsessed with what they are shoving down their throats and even though I love food and can look at endless recipes about food and have imaginary dinner parties in my head, I am not overly bothered about food. Does that even make sense?

I am fortunate in not having a sweet tooth or suffer cravings for chocolate, cake, biccies or whatever. I do not binge eat or deep fry any food (have never done and never will, preferring grilling or baking instead) and am not particularly fond of chips with a burger but roast ‘tatoes…hmmm.

My Achilles heel is…popcorn. I have a popcorn pot at home and it only gets used to make popcorn for when we sit down to watch a movie or on weekends when we are reading and relaxing. It is, to me, strangely, comfort food. And as I make it from scratch, kernels, olive oil, lots of heat, a splattering of salt, it isn’t half as bad as the butter-laden things they sell at the movies…but still. My only joy and I have to kiss it goodbye.

But, what this blog is really about is to say – we are doing it and how very proud I am of FG for climbing back on the wagon and making me come along for the ride – as we have nothing to lose, but weight!

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