Sunday, January 01, 2006

Gelukkige Nuwe Jaar!

Yes, my title is in Afrikaans - a long forgotten mother tongue, which I have decided to try and practice as one of my resolutions for this year.

It is with sadness that I note that Cheezy has decided to lay down his blogging tool for the coming year. I must admit that I understand where he is coming from. I haven't been doing this for a year at all - a few months only - and I got enarmoured with creating websites (some okay, some really crappy) - and the idea of having an online journal to air my views was a novel idea. It wasn't until Tincan lured FG and I into these shadowy realms that I realised how much fun it could be. It really has pushed me into being more creative - I realise now what columnists in newspapers have to go through. To stare at an empty screen feeling the need to write ... but what!?


I digress. This is a post to say "farewell" to Cheezy and good luck with his own screenwriting endeavours. Do feel free the stop by and be eviscerating and amusing and do stay in touch. We still owe you (and your other half) a face-falling-off hot chilli and tequila evening! Tincan knows about these. Grin.

The other part of this post is about thougths, ideas and resolutions.

As for my own self this coming year...well, I already decided a while back what I will be doing.

  • I will be learning how to play my guitar so that I can make use of my lovely guitar songbooks I had received from my collegues at work.
  • I am finishing as much of my novel as I can (have now written in excess of 10,000 words)
  • And to be more healthy - get out to do more exercise with Sparrow in tow - I hate going to gym and have wasted money there before. This time around it will be dancing around the lounge like a loon and going for two hour walks in the country park = healthier and cheaper!
  • And, speaking of health - I am going to sort these bloody headaches and migraines out once and for all. An appointment will be made with the doctors so that they can send me to the London Migraine Clinic....maybe I need a brain transplant...Igorrrr...
  • On a more personal level - to be less negative about myself and other people. I hate being grumpy (eventhough I am so very good at it - snarf), and will be making a concerted effort to be less nasty, not just towards others, but also towards myself. I realised that your view of yourself does really reflect outwards and I don't like what I have been seeing lately. Yes, there are excuses (long hours at work, commuting, tourists out for a stroll whilst you are rushing around like a loon, the list continues) but I am working on that.
  • What else - bad habits. Spending less time infront of the telly, forever scrolling around for the right programme instead of doing something creative - be that writing, drawing, strumming, or gods - doing origami or sumat. Anything but becoming mentally lazy.
  • On an esoteric level - this year I am also going to be spending more time on learning my tarot and runes - it is something that I enjoy and it is laziness that has prevented me in the past. I also want to learn meditation to get rid of those horrible work-stresses.

That is a lot of resolutions...but the year is a long one! I might even be able to keep some of them!

Happy 2006! May the best of your yesteryears be the worst of your coming years!

1 comment:

Cheezy said...

And a happy 2006 to you & FG too, Lizzy! All the best with those endeavours... :-)