Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Brought low...

Shyte. Is only one of the words I can use to describe how I am currently feeling. Along with that some other terms I can use: raw nosed, bleary eyed, sore throated, painful chest-ted...

Yep, the dreaded lurgy has me in its grips.

For over a year or more, I have managed to stay out of its way. I have had a bit of sniffles, yes, but who hasn't but now, yesterday and today, it decided to pounce on me and pummel me mercilessly into the pavement. Needless to say I spread the germs liberally all over work - not because I wanted to but because no one wanted to send me home. Plus, I entertained clients by sounding like Brian Blessed imitating Vin Diesel.

Plus, I had to come in for my salary review. Which was not as bad as I had feared. £50 more than I what I earn at the moment for a month is better than nothing, right? Gets a glimmer in her eye. That is at least four books from Waterstones...

Off I go to have a bath, take drugs, liberally mixed with whisky, and to pass out.

PS: All of this before my interview on Thursday with well known publishers. I am praying for my voice to at least be gone so I can sign at them in a creative way OR for me to find my voice again and all I have to do to convince them that I can do the job sounding like Vin D after he has gargled with turps, smoked fifty fags with no filters and shouted mercilessly at weak ninnies to keep up as he goes off to save the world.

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